Media Centre
communication representatives
Lorraine Quartaro
Cell: 416-433-7232
stats & facts
• 1 in every 3 cancers diagnosed is skin cancer.
• Melanoma is a very serious and potentially deadly form of skin cancer (4 Canadians die every day) and is one of the few cancers with incidence rates on the rise.
• 22 Canadians are diagnosed with melanoma each day.
• According to World Health Organization(WHO) 85% of melanomas among Canadians aged 30+ years are attributed to UV radiation exposure.
• Even in the harsh Canadian winters, 88% of the sun’s rays still reach the earth’s surface.
• Snow can reflect the sun’s UV rays by up to 88%, this combined with a higher altitude can make winter sun every bit as damaging on the slopes as it is on the beach!
• Cloudy days are not risk-free. Up to 80% of the sun’s rays can penetrate clouds, fog and haze.

Even in the middle of winter Sun protection is key to skin health

Melanoma Canada is the leading national organization dedicated to the elimination of melanoma and skin cancer. Through patient, caregiver, and physician education and public awareness, our goal is to reduce the incidence of the disease and improve overall patient outcomes.
Melanoma Canada offers patient and caregiver support services to those newly diagnosed, and helps those affected navigate their cancer journey by way of Certified Patient Care Specialist and Cancer Coach, Peer2Peer Support Programs, and Group Support Services.